Monday, 6 January 2014

DIY Lash Enhancer

Long, Thick and Full lashes... every girl wants them! But thanks to genetics I never used to have amazing eyelashes and to make matters worse for my prom preparations I went to a salon to have eyelash extensions applied which turned out to have been applied by a beautician who had not be trained to do eyelash extensions, so as you can imagine it was a bit of a bodged job as she applied the wrong type of lashes that literally took half my eyelashes out when they fell off sooo I was in dyer need to regrow my lashes back stringer and faster than ever. Now, I use a lot of different oils in my hair which keep it really healthy and strong so I one day thought why not try an oil on my eyelashes and see if this will make them longer and thicker. I knew Almond oil was incredible for hair and as its natural it wouldn't damage my lashes. And wow... without a doubt my eye lashes have become not only longer but also stronger with less likeliness to fall out as much!! I could not be more thank full towards an oil!

So this is just how I prepare it and apply it :)

1) I just use an ordinary Almond oil from the supermarket, this one is for cooking but it really does not matter!

2) I then take a small jar just so it's handy to go on my vanity with my other creams so I can apply it whilst putting on my creams and serums.
3) Pour a bit into your jar and ensure the lid is on when you aren't using it.
3) To apply is I just use an old mascara wand that I thoroughly cleaned to ensure it was safe to use. You can use your fingers or a cotton swab to apply it but I just find this way is easier to coat all your lashes :)
4) Then just dip the wand into the oil and coat your lashes!

I apply this every night before I go to bed to ensure that it nourishes my lashes throughout the night!

A good thing abut Almond oil is it's also very versatile as it's great for removing left over eye makeup! I just use a cotton swab after I've cleansed my face to get rid of any left over makeup!

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful! 
Lots of love Sinead x

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